From New Dawn 171 (Nov-Dec 2018)
There are a multitude of energy lines traversing the globe – some natural, others man-made. Most of these energy lines have a subtle effect on the human body as we are also made of energy. Some energy frequencies nurture and harmonise our own frequencies, while others disrupt them.
Collectively, earth energy lines are often connected to ‘geopathic stress’ when they are unbalanced or causing some disruption in the human energy field. These include electromagnetic lines, fault lines, water lines and ley lines. This article focuses on ley lines, a term often confused with other geopathic lines of energy.
Most other lines are natural to the earth, can move in a meandering way like a river, and have no intentional purpose towards humans (even though we can benefit from their energy). Ley lines can often be found in conjunction with these lines, however a ley line is always straight, is man-made in some way, and has a purpose of communication.
There are three types of ley lines: global, local and personal. Global and local ley lines are usually created intentionally, often using physical objects to transmit energy and are focused to communicate to the wider community or environment. Personal leys tend to be unconsciously sent to an individual. Even though these leys are unintentionally sent, personal ley lines stay with the person or in the environment until intentionally cleared.
The term ley lines was first used by Englishman Alfred Watkins in 1921, when he discovered natural features such as trees or mountain tops, connecting in straight lines with man-made features, such as old churches, sign posts and wells, spanning across the English countryside. He theorised that these man-made markers were for the purpose of travelling vast distances, like a guide map. These lines were of a more physical nature to communicate direction for travel. Since then, geomancers have discovered many leys can also be purely of an energetic nature, but still form some sort of communication purpose.
Some global and local ley lines also follow the paths of the Earth’s natural energy lines, drawing on the natural energy for their own purpose. The ley will always be intentionally positioned and communicating something. For example, church builders may have been attracted to a building site because of the energy in the land, such as underground water lines or electromagnetic lines. The pulpit may be placed above the nature energy to boost the message, which is sent out through the man-made ley line. The ley line is built connecting the pulpit in a straight line with upright stones, other churches or the town’s well, to subtly spread the ‘word’ throughout the community. A ley line usually has a minimum of three markers relaying the message (often large quartz filled rocks, as quartz can store and transmit information).
The master builders of the gothic cathedrals created vast entrances using geometry to inspire awe and used sound technology to resonate chanting to evoke emotional responses. Is it that hard to believe that at some point in our past we knew how to send subtle communications and evoke emotional responses through the air and ground? (Well, we do now – it’s called the World Wide Web on Wi-Fi!)
On a global scale it is unknown who set up the ley lines or what is being communicated. In Sacred Geometry of the Earth: The Ancient Matrix of Monuments and Mountains (reviewed in New Dawn 158) authors Mark Vidler and Catherine Youngshow global alignments of natural features such as mountains and coastlines mainly forming triangular shapes. Where a natural feature didn’t form a triangle an ancient man-made structure was usually found. These included mounds, henges or buildings, as well as sacred sites, such as the Great Pyramid of Giza, Stonehenge, the Carnac stones and Angkor Wat. Why did someone want to make geometric shapes that span continents?
According to Hermetic literature and the Dome Theory, dome shaped energies were sent down from spaceships spreading love and light via ley lines around the world. This energy was to aid in the evolution of humanity.1 Ancient man or aliens – whoever built these leys or what they were communicating remains a mystery.
There is a theory that the Great Pyramid may have been an electrical power generator using the obelisks to wirelessly send electricity around the globe. The great inventor and engineer Nikola Tesla also tried to send electricity wirelessly with his power generators rumoured to be situated on ley lines. Perhaps the hundreds of quartz filled, large standing stones at Carnac, France, are just an ancient world telephone exchange!
Ley lines on a local level radiate from places of worship, town halls, governments or palaces into the community to communicate messages from the ‘powers that be’ to the unsuspecting townsfolk. The most famous local ley line is the St. Michael Ley in England. This ley connects many sites dedicated to St. Michael and follows the path of the sun on the 8th May, St. Michael’s day. This ley also intersects with leys in France and Greece.

St. Michael Ley in England which also matches with a St. Mary current of energy, representing the sacred union of the divine feminine and masculine.
Both the French and the English leylines have clear signs of prehistoric activity along its path (such as the Hurlers, Glastonbury, Avebury, Waulad’s Bank, Dol-de-Breton), and also ancient traditions of celebrating with fires on beacon-hills on may-day (St. Michael’s day), all of which reinforce the idea of a ‘functional’ and operative alignment with prehistoric roots. Both alignments also include numerous churches and pilgrimage points dedicated to St. Michael (Apollo), that were ‘reinforced’ throughout the middle-ages by the church. One suspects that an ancient tradition has been passed on either knowingly or unsuspectingly during the Pagan/Christian conversion of Europe.2
Not all local leys are used for manipulation or brainwashing; some can have a beneficial effect such as feelings of peace and for healing. For thousands of years people poured energy into these lines via the various temples and places of worships (like relay towers), making the energy lines stronger. A very spiritual place is where the Apollo and Athena leys (named as their temples lay along the line) cross at Notre Dame Sous La Terre, France.
Australia’s Aborigines have ‘songlines’ which map out vast tracks across Australia. These help to physically navigate the landscape just as Watkins thought the purpose of leys were in England – signposts. The songlines are not straight or man-made, therefore do not fit the definition of a ley line, however the Aborigines in their sacred wisdom do have some way of sending specific messages instantly between peoples over vast distances.
Most local leys are hundreds of years old, however this technology is still being used today. Search the Internet for leys in Australia and you will find suspected links between Canberra to the Vatican through Pine Gap; a HAARP installation at Exmouth WA linked to its installation in Alaska and to Canberra, intentionally situated to promote mind control or for influencing the weather.3
Many local and global ley lines have been charted (especially in England where ‘ley-hunting’ has been a craze since Watkins’s time) but they are often confused with being either part of the natural environment or simply sign posts for travel. The larger purpose of intentional communication has not been fully grasped. These ley lines may draw on the Earth’s natural lines of energy for power, but the emotion or thought they are carrying has been inputted at some time by outside influences.
Another characteristic of ley lines is that their energetic blueprints stay in the environment, even if the initial structures are long gone, still holding and possibly transmitting the ‘message’.

Energy Cords & Personal Ley Lines
Personal ley lines can also use structures to relay messages; they tend to target a person through their bed, stove or computer. One of the main differences with personal ley lines is that they are usually unintentionally transmitted, whereas local and global ley lines are more consciously laid out (although some personal ones are conscious and may be vice versa for the larger ones).
Energy lines between people, often referred to as ‘cords’, occur in a personal, emotional relationship, such as between lovers or parent and child. Similar to ley lines, they transmit emotions (positive and negative) and have to be energetically removed. These cords attach to the body usually through the chakra system, are created by interpersonal relationships, and can last forever. Personal ley lines can be sent from anyone, from anywhere around the world and affect the person through objects as well as being sometimes attached to the body. Personal leys usually attach to a person’s bed affecting rest and rejuvenation, the oven to restrict nourishment, or the computer to upset business or mental pursuits. Cords can be positively based, such as sharing a love bond, or negative with one person draining the energy from another. All personal ley lines I have ever found during my Geomancy work, using dowsing, have had a negative impact on the person and have to be removed. This may be a subtle draining of energy and health over a long time or have an immediate physical effect, depending on the initial event that set-up the ley and the amount of emotion fed into it.
The most dramatic situation I encountered was with a vet nurse in her thirties who developed severe arthritis in her wrist and knee joints. She suffered with this condition for three months, trying many different remedies to no avail. I found a ley line hitting her bed and oven, which was being sent unconsciously by a lady whose cat had been put down at the vet. The vet nurse had become the focal point for the cat owner’s grief. Together we sent loving energy back down the ley to the cat owner, thus closing the ley. The next morning the arthritis was gone, never to return.
Other leys are more subtle; another client had a personal ley line hitting her bed and oven, sent by her ex-husband of more than twenty years ago. They had married young and weren’t together long, but the husband was obviously disgruntled at being left for her current husband, thus unknowingly creating this ley line. The ley line wasn’t very strong, but had stayed with the lady for 20 years, moving with her through a number of addresses and after having three children with her new husband. The ‘communication’ of this ley was depleting her relationship energy; six months after clearing the ley the lady felt that her relationship with her husband had become “stronger and somehow more connected.”
Many years ago when running New Age events, I had a ley line hitting my computer from a local church group. They were against my business (not that they understood anything about what I was doing!). This ley line was unintentional as the group didn’t purposefully create the line; however they did intend to send negative energy in their prayers to shut me down. They were not targeting me personally, thus the bed and oven were not affected. I experienced a week of setbacks, miscommunications and foggy thinking about my business before I thought to dowse for some clues as to what was going on, thus finding and clearing the ley line. If this ley line had continued, whether the group kept feeding energy into it or not, it would have greatly affected my business.
Some personal ley lines are created by a one-off strong emotional event, but most are created by constantly feeding emotion towards a person. The worrying thing about the above situation for me was that there was a small group of people sending out negative thoughts and emotions (or asking their god to do it) intentionally to disrupt my business. I closed the ley by sending love and light back to the church group (after I had calmed down and centred myself!).
Personal ley lines can travel with a person as they move residences and can also be left on a property from a previous resident, thus affecting the new homeowners. I’m not sure if they duplicate for this purpose or if some move and others don’t depending on the energy being sent through them. Most ley lines I have cleared from houses have been directed at past owners, therefore I am unsure if a line still connects to those people or not. Leys can also travel over any distance; time and space do not influence these energy lines. The shortest ley I have encountered was only a few meters long, starting from one desk in an open office space to another desk. The manager confirmed encountering trouble between these two workers.
Dennis Toop, a dowser from South Australia with over 50 years experience, remotely checks for and clears personal ley lines, through his business The Property Healer ( Dennis’s focus is helping property owners balance the energy of their homes ready for sale. He defines ley lines as:
…set up by people’s thoughts about another person or group of people. For example, a business owner may be in conflict with an employee who thinks negatively about them, thereby setting up a dowseable negative ley line. On the other hand, a positive ley line could be set up by someone thinking fondly of their child living in another suburb. For most houses strong, personal and negative ley lines are the most problematic. I’ve found ley lines can be from a single source, e.g. any place where people are stressed; airports, hospitals, funeral homes, old folks homes, mental institutions; these just radiate out into the surroundings. If you happen to sit in your lounge chair in one of these you will feel depressed. I find that this is the chair no one sits in but have no idea why. Ley lines are so important regarding the vibe of any property and relate to past human interactions which explains what people are picking up on, once put in place they just seem to stay in place until another thought cancels it out.
As the universal law goes, “what you send out, you get back multiplied,” therefore it is not only the recipient of the ley line that is being affected but also the sender. Ley lines become stronger when constant thoughts are channelled into them, e.g. “I hate you,” “Why did you do this to me?,” “I’ll never forgive you,” “I hope you suffer,” etc. The intention may not be to really harm a person, you’re just angry or worrying, but a ley line may occur that stays with both you and the recipient forever, draining both your energies. If you intentionally send a ley line to harm someone, then it will rebound on you as well.
Don’t worry about global ley lines; they are still a mystery, working on some larger scale and don’t affect us personally. If you have a local church or other authoritarian institution nearby you suspect of emitting local ley lines, you can consciously or physically place a barrier between your house, facing the institution, with the intent of stopping any subtle communications. In Feng Shui they use a bagua mirror (an eight sided shape with symbols and a round mirror in the centre, see example on right) to reflect back any negative energy. I have one in my back window facing the local church.
To clear a personal ley line from your property (either directed at you or left by past occupants) stand at the end of your bed, oven or computer visualising a line of energy coming in. Then send loving energy back down the line with the intent of closing the ley. You do not need to know from whom the ley came from to be able to clear it. As most ley lines are sent unconsciously, without intent to harm, sometimes it is best not to know who it has come from. Dennis uses “an impeccable thought,” utilising gratitude and love to clear the ley. As Dennis mentions, if you send negativity down the ley it may not close, but make it stronger. Ley lines do not clear themselves; they are created by emotions and mental thoughts and must be cleared in the same manner, with higher frequency emotions and mental thoughts, i.e. love.
If you suspect that you may have created a ley line in the past, visualise the ley line running from your heart chakra to the other person. Consciously send love and gratitude (and maybe an apology for setting up the ley) with the intention of closing the ley. Similar visualisations are used to clear the cords between people, e.g. in your mind’s eye, meet the person on the beach, say what you want to say, send love and thanks, see the cord connecting you both and sever it.
Basically, pure loving energy will always cancel out the negative. There has only been once that I didn’t send love. After the publication of my first article in New Dawn, over three years ago, an intentional ley line was sent to my computer. It was sent from an organisation in America to ‘just keep tabs’ on my writing. I sent them back laughter and thanks for thinking I could be that interesting! This also demonstrates another point about personal ley lines – the sender does not need to know physically where you are to send negative energy.
It may be difficult to imagine a world full of varying energy lines that are impacting on all areas of your life, but in another case of man imitating nature, we have the Internet. Think of global leys as the World Wide Web (they are just there), local leys as Google, Facebook or Amazon (institutions trying to spread their message to the wider community) and personal leys as text messages or Instagram (between people). By being consciously aware of ley lines and clearing them from your home allows you to stop the subtle manipulation by others impacting your life, and to maintain your own energetic integrity.
Further Reading: Sacred Geometry of the Earth: The Ancient Matrix of Monuments and Mountains by Catherine Young & Mark Vidler & Power Places and the Master Builders of Antiquity: Unexplained Mysteries of the Past by Frank Joseph.
1. ‘Ley Lines and The Meaning Of Adam’ by Richard Leviton and Robert Coons,
2. St. Michael,
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