From New Dawn Special Issue Vol 14 No 3 (June 2020) Like other New Dawn readers, I had heard something about Roman road-builders, Mayan mathematicians and Babylonian astronomers. But I was subsequently surprised to discover that these and other peoples […]
Ancient Mysteries
The End of the Kali Yuga in 2025: Unravelling the Mysteries of the Yuga Cycle
From New Dawn Special Issue Vol 11 No 3 (June 2017) A number of ancient cultures believed in a Cycle of World Ages in which we gradually descend from a state of spiritual perfection and material abundance to one of ignorance […]
America Before: The Key to Earth’s Lost Civilisation
From New Dawn 175 (Jul-Aug 2019) Humans were in America long before we’ve been told, and the Australian Aborigines have a genetic connection to the Amazon which once had great cities. FRANK JOSEPH looks at the fresh discoveries in Graham […]
The Denisovans at the Gates of Dawn: An Interview with Andrew Collins
From New Dawn 177 (Nov-Dec 2019) Many New Dawn readers are familiar with Andrew Collins, the British writer and researcher specialising in books that “challenge the way we perceive the past.” He is a pioneer in the study of archaeoastronomy […]
Ancient Cosmology: A Path to the Future?
From New Dawn 135 (Nov-Dec 2012) We all know the two celestial motions that have a profound effect on life and consciousness. The first, the diurnal motion or Earth rotating on its axis, causes mankind to move from a waking […]